ANT Sky Muster™ Plus Plans

Sky Muster™ Plus is the latest satellite service powered by nbn™ . It provides certain benefits over the existing Sky Muster™ service.

To make sure our customers can take advantage of Sky Muster™ Plus great new features, ANT has put together the most attractively priced plans with short 12-month commitments.

  • 50/50GB

  • 100/100GB

  • 150/150GB

  • Advantages of Sky Muster™ Plus?

    Sky Muster™ Plus has special traffic shaping policies which gives you access to Un-metered content for commonly used applications such as email and social networking (excluding videos). Additionaly, to ensure your computers remain up to date, downloads of key updates do not count towards your metered data quota.

    Sky Muster™ Plus also includes a burst feature which, under certain conditions, give the ability to exceed the speed limitations found on standard Sky Muster™ services.

    This means your email, social posts (text and images excluding videos) and certain software updates such operating systems do not count towards your metered data quota.
    Subject to fair use policy Critical information summary
  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of content count as un-metered content ? All online activity should be considered metered by default, however, With Sky Muster™ Plus, certain types of content do not contribute to your data usage (traffic shaping). These special traffic categories include email, social posts (excluding video) and certain updates such as operating systems.
  • What counts towards my metered content? You metered data allowance includes the amount you upload and download. You may be able to reduce your metered data usage by turning off video and audio auto-play settings across social media and websites with embedded streaming content.
  • What happens when all my metered content (peak and off-peak) is used? You can still use your internet connection at full speed, but only un-metered content will be available. nbn™ isn’t currently making top-ups available on Sky Muster Plus plans so metered content will only be available in the next plan month.
  • What are the fair-use restrictions for un-metered content? nbn™'s policy forbids routine emails over 20 MB in size, operating system updates for more than 20 devices each calendar month and excessive, automated scraping of websites.
  • How can I check my speed? Sky Muster™ Plus plans are based on 25/5 Mbps but also allow "burst" which may allow users to get faster performance at certain times (at no additional costs). nbn™ has created a specific speed test page to check your service here.
  • Can I migrate from Sky Muster™ to Sky Muster™ Plus? Sky Muster™ Plus services use the same hardware but are measured on a calendar-month basis and are supplied on different terms. It's easy to switch but please speak to our representative for specifics that may affect your existing plan.
  • What if I dont want to commit to a 12 month agreement? We designed our Sky Muster™ Plus plans to give you the best value possible and the LOWEST monthly cost, but in order to take advantage of this fantastic pricing, we do have to ask you to commit to partner with us for 12 months. If however, you would prefer to have no commitments, simply add $10 to the monthly costs above - still a great deal and no strings attached !