ADSL - Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a phone line to get ADSL?

Yes, this service is dependent on having an active telephone line.


What Speed can I get?

We will provide you with the fastest service available – up to 20Mbps, 8Mbps or 1.5Mbps depending on your local exchange.


Are the Speeds Guaranteed?

All speeds quoted are maximum peak speed available. This does not however guarantee that the devices in your home will be able to achieve the quoted speed.

Your speed may be affected depending on multiple different factors including:


Will my current modem/ router work ?

It will depend on the type of modem/router you have. Some modems are locked by providers and cannot be used.


How long will it take?

Once we have confirmed that ADSL is available to your premises, please allow up to 10 business days.


Will you cancel my service with my current provider?

No, we are not your authorised representative. You will need to advise you current provider that you wish to cancel.


Need More Information?

Contact our friendly staff on 02 6619 5500 or 1300 268 266, or email