nbn™ Sky Muster™ - Education Port

Sky Muster™ - What is the Education Port?

The Sky Muster™ Education Port is a service that has been made available that give families with children who are studying primary and secondary education and use the internet as their principal means of education. The Education Port will allow those children to have access to data plans that will not be impacted by the family's normal data allowance.


You will require a current application or an active Sky Muster™ satellite service with Ant. You will also need to supply Ant with your child's Student ID from your State or Territory Education Department for submission and approval by nbn™.


nbn™ Educational Ports have an allowance of 50GB data that can be used Anytime. There is no Peak or Off Peak for the educational ports. If you use all of your allocated data allowance your speed will be shaped to 128/128kbps. To connect more than one student you will require a dedicated wireless router.

Sky Muster™ Education Port Plans 12/1Mbps
Plan Data Allowance Number of Students Cost Per Month Cost Per GB
LTSED 12 - 1 50GB Anytime 1 student $39.95 $0.799
LTSED 12 - 2 100GB Anytime 2 students $54.95 $0.549
LTSED 12 - 3 150GB Anytime 3 students $74.95 $0.499
Sky Muster™ Education Port Plans 25/5Mbps
Plan Data Allowance Number of Students Cost Per Month Cost Per GB
LTSED 25 - 1 50GB Anytime 1 student $44.95 $0.899
LTSED 25 - 2 100GB Anytime 2 students $59.95 $0.599
LTSED 25 - 3 150GB Anytime 3 students $79.95 $0.533

How do I apply?

nbn™ is currently giving installations of those who require Education Ports a high priority.