IP Phones


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All ANT Broadband can better support IP Phone… so what is IP Phone?

Some people call it IP Phone or voice over internet, or digital voice, or a broadband phone service. They’re all different ways of describing the latest technology that allows you to save on your phone bill. You make and receive phone calls just like you did before, using a regular phone handset but instead of your calls being delivered over a regular phone line they travel over your high speed internet connection.

As the word spreads on how much you can save, that number is growing all the time. IP Phone is the ideal solution to any communications problem

ANT IP Phone phone connects directly to your broadband internet connection. Simply plug an ANT IP Phone box into your broadband modem-router. Then, when you pick up your phone, we route your calls over the internet using SIP technology (session initiation protocol).

Unlike some IP Phone services, with ANT your computer doesn’t need to be switched on to make a call, so it doesn’t matter whether you use Mac or a PC, so long as your broadband connection is operating, you should be able to call with ANT ‘s IP Phone.


Where Can You Call With ANT?

Some IP Phone services are only for calling between broadband connected computers. That’s not the case with ANT. We pass your calls from the internet to the regular phone networks, so you can call people on mobiles, or at home on a standard phone line. The cost of carrying these calls on other people’s networks is passed on to you in your ANT call costs, or is included in the monthly plan charge.


Easy to Set Up

If you’re thinking ANT’s IP Phone is a service designed for computer geeks and that it’s hard to set-up, think again. ANT Communications can provide you with a Wireless Modem Router - Netcomm Wireless NF18ACV. It’s as easy as plugging in a standard land line phone of your choice with this device and when your ANT service is activated, you’ll hear the dial tone and are ready to start calling. It’s that easy. Say goodbye to your old phone company and start calling the new way over the internet, with ANT.


Digital Call Quality

When you make a IP Phone call with ANT, the ANT Voice Box converts your voice into data and sends it via the internet. That means, provided you have a fast enough internet connection, the person receiving your call will enjoy high quality digital sound. Sometimes, other factors might influence call quality, such as the speed and quality of your broadband service, especially if your data plan has been shaped as you have used all your data allowance.