IP Phones - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I keep my existing phone number for my IP Phone?

Yes, you can keep your existing telephone number. Call our staff on 1300 268 266 to find out how.


How does the IP Phone Service Work?

You make and receive phone calls just like you did before, using a regular phone handset but instead of your calls being delivered over a regular phone line, they travel over your high speed internet connection.

As NBN Fibre rolls out, the copper telephone network will be switched off 18 months after it comes to your area and you will need to choose an NBN approved phone provider.


Does my Computer need to be turned on?

No, your computer does not need to be turned on to make and receive phone calls. But your internet service must be switched on and working.


I’ve heard IP Phones have poor call quality?

Call quality depends on a number of factors such as which IP provider you choose, type of broadband service and speed of your broadband.

Some IP providers have networks that are based overseas. That means every time you make a call it heads overseas, then back into Australia, even if you’re calling someone who lives just round the corner. Our network is built, located and maintained in Australia. Through extensive R&D we have developed a voice service that is practically indistinguishable to your existing landline service.

Satellite Broadband works differently to ADSL, Fibre or Fixed Wireless broadband. The Satellite is 37,000kms away. So if you are using the IP Phone over Satellite there is a slight delay when you first start to talk.


Does using the IP Phone use some of my data allowance?

Yes, it does. Under our IP Phone Fair Use Policy, (3000 minutes of talk time per month or about 50 hours) you should allow approximately 250 MB of data usage if you used the phone for the full 3000 minutes).


What happens if I lose my internet connection or power?

The Service cannot be utilised if there is a power outage, when your internet connections is interrupted or if the hardware you are using to access the service is in anyway flawed.

We recommend that you have an alternative telecommunications service to contact Emergency Services in the event of the unforeseen circumstances


Need More Information

Contact our friendly staff on 02 6619 5500 or 1300 268 266, or email sales@ant.com.au